Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hello all,

It's 5.28 in the morning. I've got my presentation in the morning, so I've decided not to sleep in order to perfect my speech.

It's been a hard week for me. Lots of assignment need to be submitted, Shah Alam has become very hot lately & some personal matter that bugs me.

I'm staying positive. Bukan selalu kita akan dilanda kesusahan, Tuhan tu Maha adil :)

I hope things will turn around real soon, let's hope for the best for me eh?

I'm still perfecting my speech, so later peeps!

Tata :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hati ohhh hati


It's been a while eh? Shah Alam has been very demanding lately, penat woooo :)
Lots of assignment & stuff to do, and I find it hard to cope with it.
Been tweeting very much lately, guess I find it better to write in short form and thats why I've been tweeting a lot, hehehehe.
Running out of things to write right now.
I'm not doing so good emotionally, I don't know why.
Only god knows why, I guess everything happens for a good reason, percaya pada "hikmah" :)

Tanya sama hati apa pasal sayang?

Until then, tata :)